Monday, 12 January 2015


My January 2015 window display "Getting ready to ski!!!"

Well 2015 has arrived and I am in my second year at "Mooshy La La's AttiQue!" 
I am thrilled at the way my little shop has been received, and hope to present some interesting events to you throughout the coming year.
BIBALALA & COCO-LALA  proved to be such fun, 
that I will certainly be repeating the idea of creating some evening events,
 paying tribute to some iconic designers or trends!!!!

I was very proud & honoured to be nominated 
by  Guardian Witness 

Featured not only in "The Guardian" .....but "The Brainy Issue" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

 My new website will be created this spring where Mooshy La La's dedicated fans
 will be able to purchase my one-off exclusive vintage pieces at the touch of your screen!!!

I will also be collaborating with my good friend & colleague Sue Morris
 in an exciting "Style & Image" project ...........Watch this space!!!!!! 

Love & Best Wishes for 2015
I hope it brings you  Health, Happiness, Peace  & Prosperity
Sue xxxxx